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Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Add friends, family, and teammates using the registration options below.

Group Opportunities:
1-10 volunteers - Trinity Cafes, Publix Community Market, Warehouse Sorting, Mobile Pantries
10+ volunteers - Warehouse Sorting

Groups with more than 10 volunteers, please reach out to

As an Individual
As an individual & adding myself to an existing group
As a new or returning group (Up to 10 total volunteers)

It's official - we're moving next month and a future full of possibilities is within reach! Our new facility on Causeway Blvd. will allow us the space to focus on fostering solutions, wellbeing, connections, and humanity.
Over the next few weeks, please stay tuned as we share updates with important changes to our operations, services and more. Make sure to follow us on social and check our website for updates on our move!



4702 Transport Drive, Building 6 Tampa, FL 33605

(813) 254-1190

©2019 Feeding Tampa Bay, 4702 Transport Drive, Building 6,  Tampa, FL 33605 | 813.254.1190

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