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Frequently Asked Questions


How can I get involved with Feeding Tampa Bay?

You've made it to our Volunteer Website so you're in the right place to start your journey with Feeding Tampa Bay! Our Volunteer Calendar will show all available opportunities for registration. You'll also be able to see descriptions, age minimums, and total availability remaining. This website is updated in real-time to show availability, please note that all volunteer spots are on a first-come-first-served basis.

If it's just you, or a small group (up to 5-10 people) interested in an opportunity, you can sign up independently through the website. We do not require any online training or orientations prior to your shifts, however you MUST sign up via the website to volunteer with us.

My company/group wants to volunteer, how do I register more than 10 people for a shift?

If you’d like to bring a group of more than 10 people to volunteer with us (yay!), please complete our Volunteer Group Interest Form. Before reaching out, you can visit our Volunteer Calendar to see what shifts can accommodate the group size you’re wanting to bring along, please note that Trinity Cafe shifts only allow groups of up to 10 volunteers. 

We will request the following information: how many volunteers are you bringing, what shift you are interested in, if you don’t already have a shift in mind we’ll need to know what days of the week you’re most available, are there any minors (younger than 16 years old) in your group, what organization or group are you coming from.

What age do volunteers need to be to join Feeding Tampa Bay?
Age requirements vary depending on the activity! Our minimum age to volunteer independently/without adult supervision for any activity is 16. Our Warehouse Sorting opportunities accommodate individuals 5+ (with an adult); any pantry opportunities are 13+ (with an adult); Trinity Café shifts are strictly 16+ (regardless of adult supervision). If you're interested in bringing a group of students or kids under 16, then we do ask that your group number includes at least 1 adult volunteer for every 5 young volunteers.
If a shift is marked “full” on your website, can I still come in to volunteer? 
NO, all volunteer opportunities at Feeding Tampa Bay are first-come-first-served and walk-in volunteers may be turned away onsite. You may add yourself to our Waitlist for a shift and will be notified if space becomes available. Please note that for holiday volunteering, our shifts tend to fill up months in advance, please understand that we only have capacity for the number of spots indicated on our website. 
How does the Waitlist work?
If a shift is full, you may add yourself to the Waitlist. If a spot becomes available, you will receive an email, please note this email just serves as a notification that space has been made available you will still need to complete registration for the shift via your volunteer account.
Do you accept court-mandated volunteers?
Yes, we do! We require all court-mandated volunteers to fill out our application before attending any shifts. You can find it here: FTB Court Mandated Volunteer Application. You may not start your service with us prior to being accepted into the program, and please note that we cannot accept all charges associated with court-mandated volunteering.  Court-mandated volunteers are restricted from the following volunteer opportunities: Family Night, Trinity Café, and school pantries. Once your hours are complete, we will provide you with documentation verifying your service upon request.
Do you accept student volunteers earning hours for Bright Futures?
Yes! Students may volunteer with us to earn service hours for scholarship requirements. Students are responsible for logging their hours (via volunteer account) and providing any documentation needed for verification to the Volunteer Services team. 


How can I add/remove myself or another person to an opportunity I signed up for?
If you need to remove yourself or an entire group you registered from an opportunity: Log into your volunteer account, then on the My Account page, under the Upcoming Opportunities section, select “Remove Me” next to any shifts you would like to cancel.  If you would like to add or remove guests from your group registration, please reach out to us directly with that request.
How do I see how many hours I have completed as a volunteer?
You can see your volunteer history on the My Account page of the volunteer website, just make sure you are signed in and visit this page to see information about your previous and upcoming shifts.  You can also print a “Volunteer History Report” from the bottom of this page.
I can’t access my account and am getting a website error, what do I do?
If you’re experiencing any technical issues with the volunteer website or with your account, please email volunteer@feedingtampabay.org with a detailed explanation of the issues you’re experiencing. Sending screenshots is also very helpful for us when finding a solution! 

Common Messages