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VITA is an IRS program that utilizes certified volunteers to help provide free and accurate tax preparation services to low- to moderate-income taxpayers. These services are provided at a variety of public locations such as libraries, schools, and neighborhood centers in certain high-need areas. VITA has been instrumental in helping ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed) households receive thousands of dollars in additional refunds.

VITA facilitates the connection between low-to-moderate income residents in the Sun-coast Region and skilled volunteer tax preparers who offer free tax filing services. This presents an excellent opportunity for you, your friends, family, or co-workers to contribute to Sun-coast households by providing quality tax preparation services. 

By participating in VITA, you will learn how to prepare taxes while making a positive impact on your community. As a volunteer, you will receive training to assist low-to-moderate income families in preparing their tax returns at no cost. Join the ranks of thousands of volunteers nationwide who annually prepare millions of tax returns at various tax sites. 

Training is available both online and in classroom formats, offering flexibility to fit your schedule. Feeding Tampa Bay’s Causeway Center will act as a tax site on Mondays 9-2pm and Thursdays 3-7pm January through April. Please note this is a fully on-site volunteer position in Tampa.

We are seeking 20-30 committed volunteers to serve with us on this impactful program.

Please feel out the Interest Form below to receive next steps on becoming a VITA volunteer at Feeding Tampa Bay.

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